Super Secret Writing Project!

I know it’s what we’ve all been waiting for….. a new SUPER SECRET WRITING PROJECT!


Yeah yeah, I have several WIPs that need finishing, including Calypso’s sister novel (or would it be daughter novel?), but with the all the juicy spring break time I’ve had on my hands, it’s almost impossible not to start a new project and dump all my new thoughts and ideas into a doc.

I mean, really, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. But with the coming of 2019 and my most recent birthday, I’ve come to breach the edges of the terrifying landscape that is the mid-life crisis (part 1) where I feel as though my writing should have been finished ten years ago so what the hell have I been doing with all my time?

Oh yeah, teaching the future generations of the 1% not to be complete dickheads. You can’t blame me for neglecting my writing - this is a worthy cause right here.

Regardless of my day job, a new project always brings excitement, and I’m very excited to do some exploring into a few issues that have been on the forefront of my mind for a long time, namely my increasing interest in our climate and climate fiction, in addition to the many facets that make up my cultural heritage. Current America is making it kinda impossible not to think about these kinds of things - it seems to be the troubling forefront in a lot of people’s minds (and yet, not enough).

I’ll say no more for now, I don’t want to give away any other details for the time being. Hopefully this project will stay on track (Calypso #2 is barely doing this).

Several people have been asking about Outlast also, and I will say that the miniseries was put on hiatus over a year ago. I have intentions of finishing it eventually, but I ran into some trouble with my story map that still have yet to be resolved.