

Day 5 of Inktober has the prompt “enchanted”. My interpretation of that was an enchanted eyeball attached to an entomology board. It’s only a Doodle - unfortunately I really only have time to do a quick ink doodle for each of the prompts, so my focus is just simply getting the idea down, not necessarily focusing on all the artistic details I used to labor over for hours when I was younger. This enchanted eyeball will stare at you, watch you, judge you, enrapture you, hypnotize you… and it never blinks.

This eye was enchanted before being removed and preserved, and although the reason for the preservation is unknown, many suspect it was a form of trophy-keeping to remember whoever the eye belonged to. Despite the board and surrounding skin looking old and somewhat decayed, the eye itself is still bright and sharp, ever aware and constantly searching.

I’ve never participated in Inktober before for many reasons - I’ve never really found an interest in sharing my work online, and I was always worried about having that artwork associated with me and having others judge it as “bad”. Typical anxiety stuff - but I’ve never had confidence in my drawing the way I had in my writing. Writing was always meant for me to put out there, drawing not so much (especially because i’m not exactly talented, just interested).

A friend told me he wanted to really commit this year and participate in the online event for this month, and so I felt inspired and decided to do the same. I probably won’t submit for every single day, and for me that’s okay - just participating is enough, and I’m not going to punish myself for it. I’m doing what I can, and hopefully, these prompts and drawings can be used as some form of concept art for my writing. It’s been a few months since I’ve really been serious about creating more content or focusing on my WIPs. Hopefully, this is the jump-start I need.