Unproductive Productivity

With the exception of Inktober, it seems my new norm is to post just a few times a year. I can’t help but think of advice I once got from author Hugh Howey, who said to write every day, no matter how much, and no matter the purpose. Just write.

I write every week still, but certainly not every day. I don’t count any writing I do for work in this because it’s not necessarily writing I enjoy, and while it is considered to be “writing” it just doesn’t serve the purpose or necessarily bring me the joy my other writing does for me.

I spent the last month or so beta-reading another installment in a fantasy series (I’ll share links once the first book is officially out to buy), and the process of revision and editing that particular work really helped to throw me back into the spirit and desire to keep writing. I’d lost it for a little while - productivity was at an all-time low for me this year (and last year), despite me thinking I was going to do nothing but write while I was stuck at home for weeks on end. I’m sure lots of other people can relate and identify with that feeling. The pressure was really on to make such good use of all the time I suddenly had at home - to take up new hobbies, to finish and perfect unfinished projects, and to just be an all-around amazing person whose constantly on top of their shit because what else do they have to do with their lives?

In terms of book reviews, I’ve been reading as much as ever, but my reviews are definitely backed up. I have a lot of notes for books I finished recently but just haven’t gotten around to typing up those notes fully. I’ve been enjoying the Ladies of Horror Fiction (LOHF) book club (I participate via Goodreads) and I’ve read a lot of my favorite genre and experienced books/authors I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise. I’m hoping to write a couple of reviews on those books since several of them were unexpectedly pleasant surprises, but again, productivity and procrastination are in a constant war on the battlefield that is my consciousness. After spending my entire day staring at various screens for work, the last thing I want to do when I get home is stare at my laptop. I don’t even want to look at the television screen. Books are the only thing I’m able to stare at right now.

I’m currently reading the graphic novel series The Boys, continuing on from finishing Preacher. If you’ve read my review (essay, practically) then you know I have very mixed feelings about that series. Turns out The Boys stirs equally mixed feelings in myself. Something about Garth Ennis’ work definitely sparks a fire in my brain, but I think that’s what I love about his work and why I keep coming back for more. Once I’ve finished the series (I’m currently on book 2 of 6) I’ll post my review. No doubt it’ll be enormous and confusing.


If anybody else is currently struggling with this feeling of wasting time, I recommend following author Chuck Wendig. My current platform is Instagram, although I follow his Twitter also, and he often posts extremely uplifting and yet realistically helpful writing tips (and all-around good advice for not being too hard on ourselves right now). Also, bird pictures.

Eventually, I’ll get around to doing all the things I say I’m going to do….or maybe I won’t. Who says there’s anything wrong with that, anyway?